This is gardening, not architecture.


Mental health has played a crucial role in my life, and I often bring it up at Q&As, talks, and workshops. I’ve even sampled several of my teachers and used their words in my shows. I figured it would be helpful to share some of the resources that have helped me the most through the years, along with recommendations from trusted friends of mine who are doing their own work. I’m always down to talk about this stuff, and would love to set up a Zoom with anyone who is struggling and wants to hear what has worked for me.



While my therapist is no longer taking new clients, I have a running list of recommended therapists from my friends whose lives I have personally seen improve thanks to their work in therapy. These may or may not be based in Nashville, and some may take virtual clients:

Lyndy Stitch
Dana Hardy
Sara Scott
Elizabeth Porter
Christie Fultz
Stacey Sparkman

Group Practices:
Mindful Nashville

Free resources for musicians and those working in the music industry:

Porter’s Call


Did you know that meditating every day, even for a short period of time, can start to rebuild grey matter in the brain after just two weeks? Meditation and mindfulness have played a key role in my mental health for the past 12+ years. Here are some of my favorite resources:


If you’re looking for a free option, I highly recommend the rooms of 12 Step recovery. This is a resource not only for people struggling with physical addictions, but also for people struggling with codependency, family and relationship issues, and process addictions. There’s nothing to do ahead of time, just find a meeting and show up.

Al-Anon Friends & Family Support Groups — for anyone who has been affected by another person’s addiction or dysfunction

Adult Children of Alcoholic or Dysfunctional Families — for anyone who grew up with addiction or dysfunction in their family

Codependents Anonymous — for anyone who struggles with codependency

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous — for anyone who struggles with painful, repeating patterns of anxious or avoidant attachments in relationships

Workaholics Anonymous — for anyone struggling with an unhealthy dependence on or obsession with work and busy-ness.

Alcoholics Anonymous — for anyone struggling with dependence on alcohol or other substances



Here are the teachers who have influenced my thinking and awareness over the past 12+ years:

Thich Nhat Hanh

Tara Brach

Pema Chodron

Richard Rohr

Pia Mellody

Eckhart Tolle

Melody Beattie

Mary Oliver

Rick Hanson

Mr. Rogers